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~ The Mama & Bubba Essentials Advertorial Campaign ~
This advertorial feature includes a multi-platform strategy long term to include all our digital assets. (10 Packages ONLY).
This package also includes a QR Code for readers (print) to shop directory from the Natural Directory on their phones.
This Package is $400 + GST per issue with up to a 12.5% discount + additional digital inclusions, for maximum reach & frequency, based on volume.
Please note you can choose repeat material for any additional issues at the same discount rate, or change it. You can also change your package by issue by adding instructions in the notes at checkout.
1 ISSUE – $400 + GST (Per Issue)
Advertorial Feature (QR Code added to print feature)
Advertorial Feature Blog (Shared to major blogging sites from Nurture’s website + Social Platforms) – Repeat of print feature – No material required
Nurture’s Natural Directory Ad (Website ‘SHOP’ with links to your site for purchase) – Repeat of print feature – No material required
A copy of each issue you are featured in will be sent to you
Material Required: Advertorial Feature (Refer specs in the media kit)
2 ISSUES – 2.5% Discount Per Issue (Invoiced by Issue – Discount applied at checkout)
All inclusions listed above for 1 Issue (Repeated or New)
Digital Carousel Ad (Nurture’s home page in Brands We Love section) with link to your site
Material Required: Advertorial Feature + Brands We Love Ad (Refer specs in the media kit)
3 ISSUES – 5% Discount Per Issue (Invoiced by Issue – Discount applied at checkout)
All inclusions listed above for 1 Issue (Repeated or New)
Solus Blog (Copy/Images/Video/Links to be supplied) shared from Nurture’s website to major blogging sites & Nurture’s social platforms
Material Required: Advertorial Feature (Refer specs in the media kit) + Blog (Up to 800 Words)
4 ISSUES – 7.5% Discount Per Issue (Invoiced by Issue – Discount applied at checkout)
All inclusions listed above for 1 Issue (Repeated or New)
Digital Product/Brand Discovery Promotion – 1 Post & Story (FB & IG) + Reel (IG) + EDM – (eg. Unboxed, behind the scenes, how to, UGC or testimonials etc. Video & post content to be supplied)
Material Required: Advertorial Feature (Refer specs in the media kit) + Promo Content
5 ISSUES – 10% Discount Per Issue (Invoiced by Issue – Discount applied at checkout)
All inclusions listed above for 1 Issue (Repeated or New)
Social Collaboration Giveaway (Partnering with other brands for reach leverage and IG followers boost with tags promoted on all Nurture’s social platforms + E-News EDM)
Material Required: Showcase Advertorial (Refer specs in the media kit) + Giveaway Details & Images
6 ISSUES – 12.5% Discount Per Issue (Invoiced by Issue – Discount applied at checkout)
All inclusions listed above for 1 Issue (Repeated or New)
Solus EDM Feature/Promo (Content to be provided)
Material Required: Advertorial Feature (Refer specs in the media kit) + EDM
Invoiced by issue. Nationally in print + eMag in Newsstands Globally, and always available digitally in back issue.
Please also see our Campaign Add-Ons Package to tailor additional marketing opportunities to suit your campaigns, for example, subscribers giveaways or the Sharing Kindness Challenge, promoted by way of a full page in each edition of Nurture, heavily promoted on our social, the ultimate family digital gift guide for major occasions, artwork design and more.
Please feel free to call your Account Manager, Yasmin Edwards on 0411 857 510 or so we can offer a campaign recommendation, for maximum reach & frequency, based on volume.
You can instantly download our MEDIA KIT for print packages, artwork specs, the release schedule, and all other details.
View a sample of the DIGITAL GIFT GUIDE example (3 big occasions across the year).
Please scroll back up, select your preferred number of issues, add to cart, then proceed to checkout!
We’re nuts about parenting!
If we share the same values, we’d love to work with you. We’ll see you on the inside!
Team Nurture.